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Customer Testimonials

Disclaimer: all testimonials listed here are 100% authentic and guaranteed to be from the person whose first name and first letter of the surname are mentioned. The first names have not been changed for authenticity’s sake. The reason these testimonials have not been verified by Trusted Site is that they refer to purchases which were made before this online shop was set up, and so they are verified and guaranteed by me, the owner of this online shop. In case a potential customer such as yourself wanted to verify one of these testimonials independently, after having obtained the formal permission from the testimonial’s  author to share her or his coordinates, you could then contact the testimonial’s author by whatever means that person deems to be appropriate to them.

 Jasmine M. : Plongée dans un autre univers, une autre dimension, œuvres qui touchent l’âme au niveau de vibrations; elles évoquent le plan du rêve, des voyages au fond de nous.

Megan B.: My experiences with Mario’s paintings are like the Genesis song: ‘I know what I like, I like what I know’…and more: the first three I acquired are all in shades of green and blue that reminded me of the Pacific Ocean and where I grew up in Northern California; the 4th and largest one was a rich mix of reds and browns and a touch of black…I saw several images in this painting and have fondly named it after one (which happens to be my Chinese zodiac sign!): Fire Horse. I love my paintings from Mario and they give me great pleasure to see them ever day in my home.

Hilary C.: I am the happy owner of seven of Mario's amazing works of art. admire the incredible range of colour and abstract design.Every time I stand and observe, my imagination roams free and I see wonderful images of  strange creatures, animals, clouds, flowers and much more. The packing, delivery and accompanying certification are second to none. One small personal story: whilst moving, one of Mario’s paintings was inadvertently scratched and had some paint work damaged. Mario came to my new home and repaired my beautiful picture free of charge. 

Jarl H.: I look at this beautiful painting and imagine how it fills my room. It’s fascinating, as it combines movement with depth, partly due to its colorful graphic, partly due to the texture of the surface. It’s like looking into space, into the inner of a far away solar system. Constant inspiration to explore! Observing the multifaceted painting you each time discover new elements, a cow, a face or a fox.

Liliana P.: This painting represents earth to me, in an organic movement. The texture and the cracks on the surface stimulate me to dig and go deeply to find meaning. I want to touch and scrape the canvas with my fingers, as this piece is provoking physical interaction. The gold brightens my eyes and make me smile, especially when the sun is striking the painting. I can display this painting in any environment, as it’s very decorative and always attracts the attention of people.

Sophie Y.: Dans mon tableau, j'ai d'abord été attirée par les couleurs, le noir et le rouge. Leur texture, leur profondeur, leur intensité. Quelque chose de mystérieux aussi... Et en tant que thérapeute, j'y ai vu un média intéressant pour mes patients : un support pour laisser émerger et exprimer des sensations, émotions, images, etc.

Michèle G.: I bought a painting (100cmx100cm) from Mario and received it swiftly and damage free. It was well wrapped and protected and I am now enjoying this beautiful piece of art hanging on my wall. I just wish I had more wall space as I would definitely buy some more of his paintings. A certificate of authenticity was also included with the delivery.

Stéphane L.: Voilà, je dirais que je suis tombé sous le charme de ces peintures un jour d'exposition à la Commission. Elles ressemblent à ces vues de notre Terre, prises depuis un satellite au gré d'une orbite. Les couleurs, les formes, les reliefs vous interpellent et vous emmènent dans des voyages poétiques. La peinture que j'ai acquise me porte à rêver à un lac, bleu intense, entouré de terres arides ou de roches d'altitude mais je sais que d'autres y voient tout autre chose...

 Lars À.: It is difficult to explain why a certain painting appeals to you. As to this painting entitled “Nile delta”, it might have been the original composition, the colours or indeed the painting technique. It triggers your imagination. And it can be seen differently according to how close you stand to the painting, where you hang it up or even the angle of vision.

Laurence D.: Quand je regarde ta peinture je sens qu´elle me fait du bien. Elle me calme, m´apaise, peut-être les couleurs.. j´y vois un chemin sur lequel je marche...😊voilà, pour moi en plus elle est unique, il n’y en a pas 2 les mêmes.

Chris W.:  I purchased one of Mario’s paintings a few years ago at an exhibition held at the EIB in Luxembourg.  ‘Spectral lady walking her dogs’ is what I call this striking piece, which hangs in my library at home. Hauntingly, gently beautiful, this painting has a sense of mysterious yet compelling serenity about it, and is a joy to behold.’

Chris W.: