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About Us

Heart Art is art from the heart (brain). Each Heart Art painting is absolutely original and unique (as in’ one and only’); you won’t find the same anywhere else.

I am an art activist or “ artivist”. As such, I use my art as a tool to raise people’s awareness about our natural environment.

As mentioned, I create art from my heart. When thinking about what mankind has done to life on Earth, my heart feels pain and deep sorrow. That is because I am (a part of the environment and it is a part of me. So, believing this, it makes no sense to want to harm that which contains me. 

Then, if we accept that the Earth is a living energy field, then we can begin to accept that it too can suffer and experience pain, and we can feel sadness for it,?just like we’d find it very natural to feel empathy for another human being’s pain and suffering. At the same time, I feel hope and joy for a future, better world. The two aspects drive Heart Art creations.

My Heart Art answers to a different set of evaluation criteria than “other” art,?because it doesn’t set out to control, or impress, but lets itself resonate with the viewer. Heart Art requires not intellectual control, but a complete letting go of preconceived ideas with regard to a final form; simultaneously freeing from the self-made idea of failure. And this idea of ‘failure’ can now become discovery, or a point of stock taking, which might be temporary or final.

 Perhaps my Heart Art has no meaning whatsoever except for that you attach to it;  and then you’ll feel lost, or worse, fooled, as if someone (ie. me) were trying to deceive you. What a shame that would be ! And it would be so only because you haven’t been able to let go of your attachment to mind brain. Only when you open up to heart brain will you also be able to enjoy Heart Art.


Heart Art